Aging is an unrelenting process. We have all been there and thought, “I’m not eighteen anymore!” Whether it’s a change in your face, body, or even how well you move, the consensus is that most would like to stay looking and feeling young for as long as possible. Something that has made us feel particularly nostalgic, and perhaps we are showing our age a little here, is the newest Top Gun: Maverick movie. The stars some of us watched in our youth, in their 20s or 30s, we are now watching in their late 50s to 60s (and ours, too!)
Looking back and comparing the stars to their younger vibrant selves in the first Top Gun movie, you can see some good examples of the stages of aging. Some with intervention, and some without intervention. There are also instances of how illness can impact the aging process and lifestyle, too. Today we will be touching on the stages of aging. These stages are: fat loss, bone loss, skin deterioration and ligament laxity.
When you look at a baby’s face, it is adorable, round and full of fat pockets. This fat remains evenly distributed throughout your face in your youth. These pockets usually plump your cheeks, temples and areas around the eyes and mouth. However, skip to your mid 40s, and you will begin to notice a change. Suddenly, skin that was smooth and tight becomes loose and saggy. As there is a reduction in fat, the skin becomes more translucent, making vessels more apparent.
Another change you will notice is in our bones. You can drink milk until the cows go home, but your bones will not stay the same. Bones migrate, loose mass and can cause significant changes in your face. Mother nature has the last laugh with this one, because women can see this process begin in young to middle age, where as men usually see these effects until middle to old age.
Our skin is a direct reflection of our environment. So much so that 90% of visible skin changes we attribute to aging are caused by the sun. Here in Australia we are exposed to a very harsh climate daily. A simple solution is wearing that SPF, making it a non-negotiable and a daily habit. You don’t see the cumulative affects of your sun exposure until you’re in your 50s. So while there may be the temptation to skip a day for that beautiful summer glow, remember that one day you will wish you hadn’t.
It’s not all doom and gloom. Looking back at Tom Cruise, he appears timeless, suggesting that he has had some intervention along the way. Whatever intervention he has had, has been good intervention, as he looks very age appropriate. There are certainly steps you can take to help yourself age gracefully, and to support the facial structure that is already there. You can repeatedly tell your friends it is your 30th birthday, but what’s the good if your face lets them know you’re lying?
If you would like to discuss how we can help you stay feeling and looking your best, contact us on 1300 -NEW-YOU to book your consultation.