Recently alopecia has been a hot topic of conversation in the media, encouraged by the Will Smith/Chris Rock incident at the 2022 Oscars. This incident could appear as an extreme response to what many consider a seemingly insignificant remark. With many diagnoses, unless you have lived through it yourself, it is hard to understand the complex emotions that come with it. Alopecia is not uncommon, with about 2% of the population diagnosed with some form of it. However, what is rare is an open discussion about the disease, different types of alopecia, and what treatments are available. In the lead-up to International Alopecia Day, we hope to shed some light on alopecia and what you can do if you have received a diagnosis.
Let’s start with the basics – what is alopecia? Alopecia is an umbrella term for conditions characterized by hair loss. Now, of course, we lose hair every day. You may not even notice this, as in its place is more new hair. Anything which disrupts this natural cycle can lead to alopecia. Disruptors can be from your environment, lifestyle, genetics and psychological conditions. Alopecia diagnosis is so broad that causation ranges from autoimmune disease to wearing a ponytail too tight.
It is paramount to see a good, well-trained doctor in this area if you are concerned that you may have alopecia. You will likely need some blood tests performed and be prepared to give a thorough history. About 80 to 90% of a diagnosis is just from a history. When diagnosing alopecia, there are many factors to consider, so if you are experiencing hair loss, it is a good idea to look at your overall health. Ensure that there are no nutrient deficiencies or underlying syndromes that may be inhibiting your hair growth.
Once a diagnosis is confirmed, we can then move on to treatment. Here at Absolute Cosmetic Medicine, we have a lot of different ways of treating alopecia. Recently we have integrated a new hair replacement business, New Hair Clinic. At New Hair Clinic they have over 20 years’ experience in surgical hair restoration. For more severe cases, they would love to discuss treatment options with you. These treatments can be simple, from taking a couple of tablets or not pulling your hair too tightly all the way through to a hair transplant. If you would like to discuss what treatment options we have available, call us now at 1300-NEW-YOU to book your consultation today.