
Nipple Symmetry & Size

Nipple Symmetry & Size

Nipple asymmetry or size concerns are common among many women and men. These variations are perfectly normal; however, some may seek cosmetic solutions for personal or aesthetic reasons. Nipple asymmetry refers to differences in the size, position, or shape of the nipples.

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When considering cosmetic procedures for nipple symmetry and size, it’s important to understand the available options, which can include surgical interventions. The choice depends on individual needs and the recommendations of an experienced medical professional.

Surgical Procedure

What Is It?

The surgical procedure for correcting nipple asymmetry and size involves reshaping or resizing the nipples and areola (the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple) to achieve a more balanced appearance.

Who Is It For?

This procedure is suitable for both women and men who are concerned about the size, shape, or symmetry of their nipples and are in good overall health.


The procedure is typically performed under sedation and can take between one to two hours. Techniques vary depending on the desired outcome, but may include resizing the areola, adjusting nipple position, or reshaping the nipple itself.


Results are usually visible immediately, with full results apparent once any swelling has subsided.

What to Expect?

Post-procedure, patients can expect some swelling and bruising, with recovery times varying. It’s crucial to follow all medical post-op aftercare instructions for optimal healing and attend your mandatory review appointments.

Expected Results / Maintaining Results

The goal of nipple symmetry and size correction is to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Results are generally long-lasting, but maintaining a stable weight and following a healthy lifestyle can assist with maintaining your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Patients may experience discomfort, but pain is usually manageable with medication prescribed as part of your post-operative care.

Recovery times vary, but most patients can resume normal activities within a week, with full recovery taking up to six weeks.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks such as infection, scarring, and reaction to medications. Discussing these risks are an important part of the consultation process.

Any cosmetic procedure aims for a natural improvement, tailoring the procedure to each individual’s unique anatomy and goals.

This depends on the specifics of the surgery. Typically, it will not impact your ability to breastfeed. However, it’s important to discuss this at your consultation if you plan to breastfeed in the future as all surgical procedures have risks.

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Dr. Glenn Murray (AHPRA Registration MED0001196978) Registered Medical Practitioner. General disclaimer: Patient outcomes can vary due to factors such as... genetics, diet, age, exercise, lifestyle, weight, and overall health. It’s essential to understand that all invasive surgeries come with inherent risks and require a recovery period and specific care regimen. Detailed information regarding surgical risks and complications is available here, but it is advisable to conduct thorough research and obtain a second opinion to ensure you are able to make an informed decision. Please note that the information provided is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice or establish a doctor-patient relationship. For real patient images, please visit our Before and After page. Please be advised that surgical outcomes vary, from patient to patient, and comprehensive research is crucial before making any decisions. This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+.

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